In a statement on Friday, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas said its preliminary data revealed that the Philippine domestic liquidity (or “M3” in economic jargon) expanded by 6.5% year-on-year to approximately P17.4 trillion in May, up from 5.6% in April.
On a month-on-month seasonally-adjusted basis, domestic liquidity increased by about 1.1%. This growth persists despite the central bank's tight monetary policy stance.
Domestic claims rose by 10.7% year-on-year, consistent with the previous month's revised figures.
The private sector saw an 11.6% increase in claims in May, up from April’s 10.9% revised growth, driven by sustained bank lending to non-financial corporations and households.
Net claims on the central government grew by 12.2%, slightly down from 13.9%, due to the national government’s continued borrowings.
In a statement, BSP Governor Eli Remolona Jr. said the central bank remains committed to maintaining domestic liquidity conditions aligned with its monetary policy stance to ensure price and financial stability.