URC net income rises 21%: higher volumes and forex gains drive growth

May 3, 2024
4:07PM PHT

Food and drinks giant Universal Robina Corporation (URC) reported a significant growth in net income to P4.4 billion, an increase of 21 percent, driven by a combination of higher operating income and favorable foreign exchange gains. 

The company, which makes V-Cut chips and C2 iced tea, achieved a 7 percent increase in sales, totaling P42.6 billion, with substantial contributions from increased sales volumes across all divisions. 

Operating income also saw a robust increase, up 16 percent to P5.4 billion, due to scale benefits, a favorable sales mix, and strategic cost-saving initiatives that enhanced margins. 

Furthermore, the core net income for URC improved by 8 percent, above revenue growth. 

Irwin Lee
Universal Robina CEO
“Amidst a cautious consumer sentiment and inflationary environment, we continue to deliver top and bottomline value by executing strategies to grow our core businesses, while expanding into new segments, categories, and geographies, and driving sustainable margin growth,” Irwin Lee, URC president and CEO, said in a statement on Friday.
About the author
Miguel R. Camus
Miguel R. Camus

Miguel R. Camus has been a reporter covering various domestic business topics since 2009.

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