INSIDER VIEW: For Sustainable Development Goals buy-in, make everyone understand them first

While the United Nations offers a framework for cooperative action toward a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future, achieving these goals hinges on how we communicate them.

A nation like ours that struggles with addressing socioeconomic inequality while preserving the environment requires a cohesive storyline around the SDGs. The country's archipelagic nature, with its diverse linguistic and cultural background, makes the task of disseminating and localizing the SDGs particularly daunting. A unified communication policy ensures that the message of sustainability and development is not lost in translation but is tailored and resonant across the islands and communities.

There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 targets. These encompass a broad range of objectives, from eradicating poverty to protecting marine biodiversity. An organized and focused communication policy ensures that these diverse goals are presented clearly, enabling Filipinos from all walks of life to grasp their interconnectedness and importance. This clarity is crucial in a country where regional disparities can lead to varying awareness and engagement with these global objectives.

Moreover, the Philippines is vulnerable to climate change challenges. A solid communication policy can be pivotal in fostering a shared understanding of these environmental challenges and the SDGs' role in addressing them. It can help bridge the gap between scientific research and community action, translating complex issues into actionable knowledge for local communities and policymakers.

A holistic approach to SDG communication can better engage vital stakeholders, such as civil society and the young and woke population, ensuring that their energies and ideas are harnessed towards sustainable initiatives. It can also ensure that no group is left behind, from indigenous communities in Mindanao to the urban poor in Metro Manila, making sure that the SDGs are relevant to everyone's lived experiences.

In terms of the economic landscape, the country has numerous micro, small and medium enterprises, which are crucial for growth and employment. A concrete SDG communication policy can give these businesses the knowledge and tools to adopt sustainable practices, contributing to the national economy's resilience and sustainability.

On the international stage, a harmonized communication strategy on the SDGs can enhance the Philippines' diplomatic and economic standing. By presenting a unified front on sustainable development, the Philippines can attract international partnerships, investments, and aid that support the SDGs, bolstering the country's resources for achieving these goals.

Lastly, the power of inspiration cannot be underestimated. Aligned and compelling narratives around the SDGs can motivate individuals, communities, and organizations across the nation to take action. They can turn the abstract into the achievable, transforming the SDGs from a global agenda into a personal mission for millions of Filipinos.

This article was originally published on April 9, 2024.

About the author
Cilette Liboro Co
Cilette Liboro Co

Cilette Liboro Co specializes in sustainability governance and is a graduate member of the Institute of Corporate Directors. 

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