Veteran Banker Aurelio Montinola III resigns from Roxas & Co. as spouse's firm makes large investment

May 8, 2024
5:33PM PHT

Veteran banker Aurelio R. Montinola III resigned “effective immediately” as independent director of Roxas & Co. (RCI) after his spouse’s firm emerged as the buyer of a 9 percent stake in the century-old real estate and sugar company. 

Montinola, the former president of Bank of the Philippine Islands and independent director of RCI since 2017,  purchase of shares by his wife’s real estate frim “disqualifies him from serving the company as an independent director”. 

On Tuesday, Stonebridge Corp. was revealed to be the buyer of 250 million reissued treasury shares, which were purchased at a 38 percent discount at P2 each. 

Led by Montinola’s wife, Gizela Madrigal Gonzalez-Montinola, Stonebridge is now one of the largest stockholders of RCI after the controlling Elizalde and Roxas families and businessman Leandro Leviste, who owns about 10 percent. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission outlines strict guidelines for independent directors, including the shares they personally own as well as those held by relatives. 

Based on its 2016 corporate governance code, an independent director cannot own more than 2 percent of outstanding shares in the company and affiliates. 

The prohibition extends to relatives who are directors, officers and substantial stockholders. 

The SEC defines substantial shareholders as those owning more than 10 percent of a company.

About the author
Miguel R. Camus
Miguel R. Camus

Miguel R. Camus has been a reporter covering various domestic business topics since 2009.

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