Aboitiz, private council leader, praises Marcos’ logistics boost

​Sabin Aboitiz 
Aboitiz Group CEO 

Private Sector Advisory Council lead convenor and Aboitiz Group CEO and President Sabin Aboitiz welcomed recent initiatives by President Marcos, saying directives 

on ports, water projects, and roads will boost efficiency and economic growth.

“By ensuring 24/7 port operations and integrating water-related projects, we are poised to see substantial improvements in efficiency and economic growth,” Aboitiz said after the council held its fourth meeting, which focused on crucial infrastructure and logistics. 

“The commitment to resolving road blockages and developing a comprehensive supply chain roadmap will further streamline our processes and reduce costs,” Aboitiz added. 

During the meeting, the council also underscored the need for a comprehensive supply chain roadmap to reduce costs and address issues like erratic pricing, local policies, and toll fees.

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